Republican Party of Texas (RPT) Mission
To promote a conservative philosophy of government:
By promoting conservative principles; and
By providing the infrastructure through which those who share our conservative principles can get involved in the political process, run for and be elected to public office, and govern according to our principles when elected.
Download an Overview of how the RPT is Structured
What Republicans Believe
A platform is the formal declaration of the principles on which a party stands and makes it appeal to voters. Basically, it is the Party’s statement of beliefs on certain issues. As explained below, the RPT platform is passed at the state convention in June of even-numbered years.
Learn more about our Conservative Principles.
Download a PDF version of the RPT Platform.
Becoming a Republican
Texas does not have registration by political party. A voter becomes a Republican by voting in the Republican Primary or Republican Primary Run-Off.
Primary Process
Political parties hold a primary election in March of even numbered years.
Currently, only two parties hold primaries – the Republican Party and the Democrat Party.
In Texas, registered voters may vote in either political party’s primary; however, a voter may vote in only one party’s primary in each election cycle.
If a voter votes in one party’s primary, he may not vote in the other party’s run-off election in that same year. Registered voters who do not vote in the primary election may vote in a run-off election of either party that year.
Republican Primary voters elect the Republican candidates who will appear on the general election ballot, their precinct chairmen, and their county chairmen. Thus, primary voters have a greater influence on the final outcome of the general election than those who only vote in the general election.
Those who vote in the Republican primary election (either in person or by mail) can then attend the various Republican Party conventions held that year.
Political Party Conventions
In Texas, parties hold their own conventions in election years. In even-numbered years, Texas Republicans hold precinct conventions, county or senatorial district conventions, a state convention, and in presidential years, a national convention.
The purposes of the conventions are to:
Choose delegates and alternates to the next higher convention level, when applicable; and
Consider resolutions or statements on policy issues to send to the next higher convention and/or for eventual inclusion in the state or national Party platform.